Studerer du markedsføring eller digital kommunikasjon? Marketing teamet i Attensi søker deg som ønsker å få relevant arbeidserfaring innen digital markedsføring!Attensi er en global leder innen spillb...
We are Attensi, a global company founded in Norway specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training so...
We are Attensi, a global company founded in Norway specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training so...
As Attensi continues to grow, we find ourselves on a side quest to recruit another fullstack developer for our platform team. We are a team of 12 eager developers, and we are responsible for continuou...
We are Attensi, a global company founded in Norway specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training so...
Attensi is a Norwegian tech company specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training solutions used by ...
Attensi er et av Norges raskest voksende teknologiselskap. Vi bruker spillteknologi til å lage simuleringsbasert trening. Våre løsninger skaper reell endring i adferd og kompetanse, og gjør ikke minst...
Attensi is a Norwegian tech company specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training solutions used by ...
Attensi is a Norwegian tech company specialized in gamified simulation training. Since our inception in 2012, Attensi has grown to become a global leader in the field, with training solutions used by...